Introduction to the Internet
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Future of Internet
If you were to wonder what the greatest invention of the 20th century is, it would definitely be the Internet. Internet really changed the way people live. It revolutionizes the way people communicate with one another and to search for information worldwide. It also enables several technologies that are important to our daily life. Come to think of it, this blog that you are reading now would not be possible without the invention of internet. And the best part about internet is that it is still evolving and we are discovering new ways to use it every day.
I think that Internet will continue to impact our life for the whole of this century. Internet is no longer just restricted to desktops and cables. As we become more and more mobile, Internet has also become mobile with our gadget via WIFI, WI-MAX and 3G. One in every five mobile phones sold in Asia are smart phones. Through this, you cannot help but exclaim how fast mobile technology has evolved over the past 3 years. We can expect to see more ways to bring internet into our life at a faster speed in the near future!
I think in the future, almost all devices will be connected to the internet. We are already seeing this trend where many devices are able to connect to the internet. Mobile phones, Television, Arcade Games and even Cars are able to connect to the internet now.
We can definitely expect to see more devices connecting to the internet that enables human to utilize it fully. Imagine your espresso machines telling your favourite online store that you are running out of coffee beans and placing an order before it goes empty. Or even your car informing your bathtub that you are approaching home so that it can fill the tub with hot water and awaits for your arrival. How cool will that be!?
How about ordering your food online where you can smell the aroma of the food?!
Or even read newspaper that has internet news attached to it and you are able to browse any news/information anytime you wish to?!
Truly no one knows what is the exact future of the internet will be like and how it will serve our life even better than now. However, one thing for sure is that the internet will continue to be part of our life and it will improve daily such that when the day comes, internet will conquer the whole world and everything will be globalized! Are you looking forward to that very day just like I am?
Just for laugh:
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The POWER of internet
I believe most of us living in Singapore have internet access at home. However, what do we usually do when we have a whole day spent at home because no one is free to accompany us out or probably because we have absolutely no money to go out with our friends? Do we spend our time sleeping or do we sit in front of the television, watching some boring programs because there is nothing interesting for us to do?
With internet, we can do almost everything under the sun, including spending our time doing something more meaningful than sleeping! Today, I am going to introduce to everyone what are some things we can do during our leisure time or even during times when we just need to take a break from everything stressful in life!
With internet connection, we can download online games to play. Below is one of the MMORPGS games that is fun enough to keep us occupy for the day. This game is call "MAPLESTORY!"
Before playing, we need to sign up for an account.
Simple informations are needed to complete the procedure.
After signing up, we need to download the game client before we can play.
Creating an in-game character base on your own likings.
After creating a character, you are ready to go around the maps in the game, killing all sorts of "monsters." The fun part of the game is to level up as fast as you could so that you will be stronger and stronger.
You can also make new friends along the way because this game is an interactive game whereby certain quests need a party of 6 people to do together. This enables one to make new online friends. This is one of the best way for introverts to open up to people and hopefully, they will step out of their comfort zone in real life.
WHAT IF you are someone who does not like playing games? Fret not because with internet access, you can also watch dramas online. These dramas/movies ranges from romance to comedy to Japanese dramas to Korean movies and so on. provides a wide variaties of Taiwan dramas.
One can search the dramas according by the year it was being published!
With so much interesting things to keep us occupy for the day, there is absolutely no need to fear that no one is free to accompany us out. There are many other games available online as well as unfinished dramas/movies to keep us company throughout. Most importantly, all these are FREE of charge and are definitely fun and enjoyable. No doubt spending time with our loved ones are meaningful, certain times, we also need a time for ourselves! Try it, you might enjoy it just as I do!
With internet, we can do almost everything under the sun, including spending our time doing something more meaningful than sleeping! Today, I am going to introduce to everyone what are some things we can do during our leisure time or even during times when we just need to take a break from everything stressful in life!
With internet connection, we can download online games to play. Below is one of the MMORPGS games that is fun enough to keep us occupy for the day. This game is call "MAPLESTORY!"
Before playing, we need to sign up for an account.
Simple informations are needed to complete the procedure.
After signing up, we need to download the game client before we can play.
Creating an in-game character base on your own likings.
After creating a character, you are ready to go around the maps in the game, killing all sorts of "monsters." The fun part of the game is to level up as fast as you could so that you will be stronger and stronger.
You can also make new friends along the way because this game is an interactive game whereby certain quests need a party of 6 people to do together. This enables one to make new online friends. This is one of the best way for introverts to open up to people and hopefully, they will step out of their comfort zone in real life.
WHAT IF you are someone who does not like playing games? Fret not because with internet access, you can also watch dramas online. These dramas/movies ranges from romance to comedy to Japanese dramas to Korean movies and so on. provides a wide variaties of Taiwan dramas.
One can search the dramas according by the year it was being published!
If you do not like watching Taiwan dramas, you can also visit for other movies/dramas such as those from Korea as well as Japan.
With so much interesting things to keep us occupy for the day, there is absolutely no need to fear that no one is free to accompany us out. There are many other games available online as well as unfinished dramas/movies to keep us company throughout. Most importantly, all these are FREE of charge and are definitely fun and enjoyable. No doubt spending time with our loved ones are meaningful, certain times, we also need a time for ourselves! Try it, you might enjoy it just as I do!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Internet & Journalism
With the global recession tripping up a newspaper industry, it is no wonder that the journalists are worrying about their future and how the future of journalism will be like.
Have you ever wonder how does internet shape the future of journalism?
Before the news media started to embrace new technologies by utilizing web 2.0 and the social media, traditional media of communicating and expression of news worthy information had been the only means. There is no direct answer as to how the decline of newspaper will affect the society. In our everyday life, do we really need professional journalists to do their job so as to provide us with the news that are happening every minute every second?
In today’s society, the newspaper is truly important to nearly every adult. Without newspaper, citizens will lose their main source of news about Parliament debates. Crime stories will not be known to most, foreign news will remain far away from our sight and readers might miss a wide range or commentary and analysis written by professional journalist. No doubt without newspaper, it is still possible to move the content of the world into the World Wide Web. However, is this really the best option or is the traditional newspaper the best option?
Let us take a look at some of the pros and cons internet!
Internet has its advantages in serving our lives in many ways. It truly helps us to be more informed, more connected and less ignorant to the things occurring around the world. It also helps individual to experience different point of views from people all over the world. With internet, any news uploaded will be able to reach a wider audience as compared to traditional media.
In contrast, internet has its disadvantages too. There is a possibility of information overload because uploading of news is free and there will be a wide range of information available online. Online sources could also be lack of quality as well as credibility because they are generally not controlled by any institutions. Also, even though we are living in the 21st century, not everyone owns a computer with internet connection.
I believe the internet will have some effects on the future of the journalism such that the more educated people will probably read their news from the internet while the older/poor people will read their news from the newspaper. This would definitely result in lesser copies of newspaper being printed in the near future. With that, journalists will also earn lesser as compared to now.
Looking at the advantages and disadvantages of the internet, we can conclude that it will have a vast effect on the future of journalism. We could clearly see that if news were to be broadcast via the internet, there will still be a large group of poor people who could not afford computers and this will be an important factor for the journalists to take note of. Therefore, as long as there are still people who are willing to buy the newspapers daily, I do not foresee or think that the traditional media will cease any time soon.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Internet & Politics
“A politician needs the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.”
There had been an increase in numbers of politicians using Internet and social media sites to update their political messages so as to reach their citizens. In America, Internet was used during its presidential elections. However, in Singapore, there are limitations for political campaigning over the internet. Thus, despite the goodness of internet, there are still many restrictions that hinder that use of internet.
On August 13, 2001, new rules were set to regulate political campaigning of parliamentary elections on the internet as well as the use of posters and banners. Let’s take a look at the power and limitation of internet for political campaigning in Singapore.
(POWER)Under the Internet Election Advertising rules, registered political parties are allowed to:
Display party posters and manifesto, candidate profiles and photographs, announcements of party events, party position on issues, moderated chats and discussion forums;
Publish any newsletter, journal or other periodical publication of the political party;
Send any message by electronic mail that promotes or opposes a party or candidate;
Host chat rooms and discussion forums, but must appoint moderators during the election to keep logs of all messages and ensure they conform with the law specified in the regulation.
(LIMITATION)However, no person is allowed to:
Send any statement or matter requesting the recipient of the electronic mail message to forward the advertisement or
message to any other person;
message to any other person;
Conduct electronic surveys during the election period;
Appeal for election funds.
Credits to Koh Lay Tin (
People are saying that the young adults and youth are apathetic towards politic. However, I guess the reason for that was the fact that we were born after Singapore gained its independence. It is hard for the young adults and the youths to truly understand the hardship that many politicians and citizens went through all these while because we had been living in a Singapore where things are generally excellently planned out by our government for the best of our growth. Most youths are unaware of who the different ministers are but I guess it is because we really trust that our government are well selected and that they will definitely bring us to a even better country to live in. Nevertheless, I think there will still be a handful of young people who are concern about politics issue in Singapore because when one reaches the age of 21, they will be able to make their vote during general election. In that way, they will be more involve towards political issues in Singapore.
Let's take a look at one of the most recent video by Tin Pei Ling on whether the youths are apathetic towards politic issues:
Let's take a look at one of the most recent video by Tin Pei Ling on whether the youths are apathetic towards politic issues:
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Apple's multimedia marketing strategy
What is one thing that most people look out for BEFORE they decide to buy a product? More often that not, when we have the desire to purchase a new gadget, we will go to the website to find out more about the product before we make the final decision to go ahead in buying it. I would like to take this chance to share with you how apple made use of different multimedia marketing strategy in successfully persuading consumers to buy their products.
Have you ever wonder why iphone4 is out of stock in Singapore even though at first, many users complain about the poor reception of the phone while making a call? I was using iphone 3GS back then and I tell myself that I will never get an iphone4 because of the complaints made by many people. However, the complains did not stop APPLE from advertising it's products.
Apple continuously uses different multimedia marketing strategy to promote it's iphone4. Commercials between television programs, commericals before a movie starts as well as uploading many different videos to show consumers the goodness of their iphone4 are some way in which Apple utilizes for their marketing strategy.
If one were to enter, they will see a wide range of links available in helping them to know more about an iphone4. Some links includes the features of the phone, the design, the cost and last but not least, the apps for iphone. All these details were written carefully in a way that will entice the person who clicks on the link. It plays with their emotions in having the desire to on such a phone because of it's awesomeness that was described in their website.
Even though a commercial break might seem insignificant to most people, there will still be a high chance that people will notice the ad because putting up an advertisement is definitely better than not doing so. The details might be limited in an advertisement but their website used for marketing strategy is really something to commendable. Knowing that in this centuary, most people surf the net for information, I feel that apple truly maximize the use of their website in promoting their iphone4 by providing many important facts and information about their products. Truly, we can see that Apple is indeed a brain-storming company in making sure that their marketing strategy is useful in reaching to the audiences' needs. Through that, they successfully persuaded their audiences to purchase their products. Thus, they have been doing so well up till date!
Have you ever wonder why iphone4 is out of stock in Singapore even though at first, many users complain about the poor reception of the phone while making a call? I was using iphone 3GS back then and I tell myself that I will never get an iphone4 because of the complaints made by many people. However, the complains did not stop APPLE from advertising it's products.
Apple continuously uses different multimedia marketing strategy to promote it's iphone4. Commercials between television programs, commericals before a movie starts as well as uploading many different videos to show consumers the goodness of their iphone4 are some way in which Apple utilizes for their marketing strategy.
If one were to enter, they will see a wide range of links available in helping them to know more about an iphone4. Some links includes the features of the phone, the design, the cost and last but not least, the apps for iphone. All these details were written carefully in a way that will entice the person who clicks on the link. It plays with their emotions in having the desire to on such a phone because of it's awesomeness that was described in their website.
Even though a commercial break might seem insignificant to most people, there will still be a high chance that people will notice the ad because putting up an advertisement is definitely better than not doing so. The details might be limited in an advertisement but their website used for marketing strategy is really something to commendable. Knowing that in this centuary, most people surf the net for information, I feel that apple truly maximize the use of their website in promoting their iphone4 by providing many important facts and information about their products. Truly, we can see that Apple is indeed a brain-storming company in making sure that their marketing strategy is useful in reaching to the audiences' needs. Through that, they successfully persuaded their audiences to purchase their products. Thus, they have been doing so well up till date!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Mary Tan (not her real name), age approaching 40, registered herself in a popular international online dating site. The site promised to help her find the love of her life. Many applicants look responded to her but eventually, she was attracted to a guy name James who claimed to be an American diplomat stationed in London. They chatted often enough and soon, Mary’s feeling towards James grows beyond friends.
One year later, James made his move. He claimed that his friend wants him to help in a property business in Singapore. He was told to transfer funds to his friend before starting the business. Mary had to open a bank at America after which, she had to transfer the money in to the America bank before transferring the money to her Singapore bank. James persuaded Mary to help him and Mary finally gave in. Mary had a hard time transferring the money because every time when she tried to do so, she met with an error that asked her to consult the bank for help. She was told to pay a sum of money before they send her the security code. For fear of being caught, she was told by Sarah to transfer the money to eight different bank accounts.
However, she met with the error again and was told to pay for a non-residential code before she can transfer the money. She did not want to pay the bank anymore however, trusting that James will come to Singapore to see her; she eventually gave in and paid the bank for a non-residential code. Again, an error occurred and she called the bank for help. She was then told that she had to pay a sum of money for the currency transaction tax. Finally, this time round, she managed to transfer the money over, not knowing that it was a cyber scam all along.
Throughout all these while, James kept reassuring her that he will return her the money and that he will be buying ticket to come Singapore to visit her. When the transaction was finally successful, he told Mary that her money will be transfer to her account the next following day. Unfortunately, the money did not show up in her account. James called her a few days later and asked her to help him by lending him some money for the business.
Mary went to borrow money from her friends who later told her that she might be scammed. Mary went home to call the parent bank and was told that they had received such reports recently too and advised her to stop sending money over because it could be a cyber scam. Mary then went to report the case and was told that all the transactions and people that she had come in contact with were all from Nigeria instead of America or even London. Mary lost SGD200000 all within three weeks.
Protection and risk prevention and methods against virus, worms, spyware, phishing, and other threats etc.
Exercise caution when dealing with unknown persons “befriended” through the internet. Never put yourself in a vulnerable position or give out personal details about yourself when interacting with other internet users.
Do not remit any money to unknown person. Inform the police immediately if anyone attempts to threaten you.
Never click on links that are unfamiliar to you. Even if they are given by your friends (in msn), do not click on it because it might have virus that might spoil your whole computer.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Google tool & Microsoft Movie Maker
Below are the steps you can follow if you are lost in using google reader tool!
1: Go to
2: Login to your google account
3: On the top left hand corner, click on “Add a subscription”
4: Enter the URL in the box
5: The website will appear beneath “Subscriptions” at the left side of the page.
6: It will show you how many post you have not read while you scroll downwards.
7: If the site address does not work, you may have to subscribe to the site feeds directly.
8: Click on Site Feed symbol and it will link you to the site directly
9: Copy paste the URL and start from step 3 onwards.
EASY? In my opinion, I think this google tool is rather user friendly and easy to use. It not only help us keep track of the things we might have missed out noticing/reading, it also helps us to categorise our web links neatly!
Here is a video I made using microsoft movie maker.
Experience of video making:
It was my first time using microsoft video maker to make a video. I would say that this video maker is indeed very user friendly as it resembles microsoft powerpoint. I was able to locate the tools for each functions by myself without having to search for help in the internet. Pictures loading were easy for me to handle as I do not have to upload one by one. After completing the video, I was able to save it into my desktop in less than 3 minutes. It has many other functions such as sharing it in facebook, converting it into email file or merely saving it onto the desktop of my computer. The movie maker even helped me to converted my video into media player format so that I could easily upload it into my blog. Wonderful experience with microsoft movie maker and I look forward to using it for other meaningful purposes in the near future!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
eLearning is a term used to describe learning done at a computer, usually connected to a network. eLearning provides the student or learner with information that can be accessed in a setting free from time and place constraints.
Here is some of the effectiveness of eLearning:
Cost savings due to elimination of travel expenses
Improve collaboration and interactivity among students
eLearning is less intimidating than real life courses taught by instructors
Students are able to go through materials at his own pace
Able to access information timely
However, there are also some disadvantages of eLearning such as:
Lack of interaction in real life
Students who do not have self discipline will not study daily
Students will have the tendency to do their work at the eleventh hour
Students will not have a chance to do project work
When faced with a problem, students need to email their instructors to seek help
Certain concepts needs real life experiment to be taught well and fully understood
Personal experience:
Currently, I am attending NTR109 course. NTR109 is an e-Learning course whereby this Web class is a combination of students from Buffalo, NY and students from Singapore Institute of Management in Singapore. Students will have a chance to interact during article discussions and general discussion forums. Students were told to constantly check our email as this is the only way besides Ublearns that we are able to communicate. Checking email frequently also help us know the latest important announcement from our instructor. There are assignments posted up in ublearns and students need to login to complete our work within a certain time frame. Failure to do so will result in loss of marks. Personally, I find eLearning less fun as compared to traditional way of learning in class. eLearning really need a lot of discipline on the students part so that they can excel in their studies. The only visible thing I like about elearning is the fact that we can study at our own time and there is no need for us to wake up so early in the morning.
Microsoft surface technology:
Future classroom & success rate of eLearning
In my opinion, I think the future classrooms will have computers or laptops for each and every individual student. Nanyang Primary School is now trying out the ipad studying for certain classes of students and students were provided with an ipad each. In Nanyang Polytechnic, students’ timetable includes eLearning every week. Lecturers do not teach during eLearning week and students have to gather at computer labs to finish their worksheets after reading what was posted online. I guess in the near future, eLearning will become more and more popular. However, given the fact that traditional learning method is still more beneficial, I do not foresee a future where traditional learning will be replaced by eLearning.
Here is some of the effectiveness of eLearning:
Cost savings due to elimination of travel expenses
Improve collaboration and interactivity among students
eLearning is less intimidating than real life courses taught by instructors
Students are able to go through materials at his own pace
Able to access information timely
However, there are also some disadvantages of eLearning such as:
Lack of interaction in real life
Students who do not have self discipline will not study daily
Students will have the tendency to do their work at the eleventh hour
Students will not have a chance to do project work
When faced with a problem, students need to email their instructors to seek help
Certain concepts needs real life experiment to be taught well and fully understood
Personal experience:
Currently, I am attending NTR109 course. NTR109 is an e-Learning course whereby this Web class is a combination of students from Buffalo, NY and students from Singapore Institute of Management in Singapore. Students will have a chance to interact during article discussions and general discussion forums. Students were told to constantly check our email as this is the only way besides Ublearns that we are able to communicate. Checking email frequently also help us know the latest important announcement from our instructor. There are assignments posted up in ublearns and students need to login to complete our work within a certain time frame. Failure to do so will result in loss of marks. Personally, I find eLearning less fun as compared to traditional way of learning in class. eLearning really need a lot of discipline on the students part so that they can excel in their studies. The only visible thing I like about elearning is the fact that we can study at our own time and there is no need for us to wake up so early in the morning.
Microsoft surface technology:
Learning Content Development System is a free software from Microsoft that let you create and publish e-learning courses. You can include software simulations, interactive Flash content (such as Drag and Drop, tile puzzle game, etc.) and the regular true-false / multiple choice style questions in your e-learning content. Once you are done authoring the course, it can preview in the web browser and you may then publish it as a SCORM 1.2 Package for hosting in any Learning Management System.
Future classroom & success rate of eLearning
In my opinion, I think the future classrooms will have computers or laptops for each and every individual student. Nanyang Primary School is now trying out the ipad studying for certain classes of students and students were provided with an ipad each. In Nanyang Polytechnic, students’ timetable includes eLearning every week. Lecturers do not teach during eLearning week and students have to gather at computer labs to finish their worksheets after reading what was posted online. I guess in the near future, eLearning will become more and more popular. However, given the fact that traditional learning method is still more beneficial, I do not foresee a future where traditional learning will be replaced by eLearning.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The TEN reasons
E-commerce provides many new ways for business and consumers to communicate and conduct business. However, there are a number of reasons for the success and failures of e-commerce.
Why is e-commerce so successful?
Being able to conduct business 24x7x365. Time restrictions are nonexistent. Even on holidays or weekends, one can still purchase their products online.
Access the global market place. The internet enables a business concern or individual to reach the global market. The global opportunity via traditional communication is incomparable with the one via internet because users are not charged with communicating overseas.
Opportunity to look for cheaper products. E-commerce gives customers the opportunity to compare the pricing of the products with other sellers. Customers can avoid buying from sellers who intentionally sell their products at a higher price.
Research and feedback is possible. Customers are able to do a research on the products that they are buying. They can also give feedbacks on the products that they bought.
Products are sold at cheaper price. Direct cost-of-sale is lower than traditional means because there is no human interaction during online purchases.
Money saver. It is the cheapest means of doing a business. From the seller’s point of view, E-commerce helps to cut down the cost of marketing the product. Sellers can setup websites or email their loyal customers on existing or new products sold.
Customers’ needs and behavior. Sellers will be able to know the needs and wants of the customers by keeping track on the websites that they browsed. In that way, sellers can look out for products that have good responses from the customers. By doing so, they can bring in more of such products.
Compare and contrast. Customers can easily compare different products at the same time without having to travel from one place to another. This helps to save a lot of time.
Allowing self service at own time. Customers can look for products any time during the entire day when they are free, even as late as midnight. They are not obliged to visit the physical shops if they are too busy with their work. Adults with children can also shop for products online peacefully instead of having to worry about having to bring their young children out.
Time saved. Delivery time and cost can be saved by buyers when they purchase digital goods and services such as e-books and games. Buyers do not have to wait for the physical goods to be delivered to their home.
The possible reasons for the failures of E-commerce
Lack of trust. Internet has still not touched the lives of a great number of people. Many people still do not like the idea of using internet for financial transaction.
Perishable goods. Not suitable for perishable commodities like food items. Though refrigerated transports can be used, goods sold online are usually durable and non-perishable.
Faulty goods. It can be troublesome to return or refund products that are faulty and there are many things to consider when you return it. Who is going to pay the return postage as well as will the refund be paid are two major problems that will arise.
Fraud sites. Anyone can start a business easily. Some may be bad sites which scam customers’ money.
Hackers everywhere. Many hackers always look for opportunities to attack e-commerce site, service and payment gateways.
Product quality. There is no guarantee on product quality because you can only see the product base on the pictures uploaded online. You will not be able to feel it before buying. Moreover, pictures and physical object may be quite different.
Poor laws. Cyber laws are not properly enacted and the existing ones are not clearly defined. Thus, nobody really knows the rules of starting a business online are.
Search engine. In a traditional store, the location of your store will not change unless you move away. However, the location of your business online will not always be the same. It depends on the search engine’s search results.
Huge transactions. The number of transactions allowed for each customers vary from websites to websites. However, many websites allow only one transaction at a time. If one intends to buy many of the same products, he would have to make many transactions.
Data entry errors. This is one of the major drawbacks of e-commerce. If the seller type in the wrong price on the website, he will have to face the consequences of wiping out the profit of all the goods sold.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Friendster VS Facebook
I believe most if not all of us heard of this social networking site call “FACEBOOK!” This social networking site was first launched in February 2004. Till date, it has more than 600million active users! What exactly are the things we can do in FACEBOOK that resulted in such a great response from people all over the world?! Let's take a look at why FACEBOOK is so successful…
After clicking SHARE, it will appear on your wall and your friends will be able to start commenting on your status.
You can also go to your friend's FACEBOOK page and post anything on their wall to let them know you miss them or simply just anything that comes to your mind.
Facebook also has plenty of games for users to play during their free time. Many people find the games addictive because just like this bejeweled bliz, everyone is trying to hit their highest score such that they will be the top in his/her friend lists. It is always fun to be able to compete with one another thus it becomes addictive!
FACEBOOK also allows us to upload pictures as well as allowing others to tag you in photos where you are present. The ones circled in red are albums created by ourselves while the one circled in green are pictures that your friends tagged you in. If you think those pictures tagged by your friends are ugly, you can also untag yourself and it will not show on your photo pages anymore.
You can also send private message to your friends. A birthday message when you do not have their mobile number is as sweet as sending them an sms via a handphone! Whoever who receives the note from your friend can also reply and response to it.
If you happened to be surfing youtube and found a song that you love and would like to share with your friends, what can you do? You can click on the SHARE button shown above and share it with your loved ones in FACEBOOK too!
After clicking SHARE, it will then appear on your wall where friends and family could simply click on it to listen or to view the videos. They can also comment or like the links that you shared.
How about business opportunities?
People also create FACEBOOK account to promote their blogshops.
FRIENDSTER, just like facebook, allows users to post comments on their friends' pages. However, there is no way one can comment on each other's postings unless they create and post a new comment on their friend's page. In that way, things will get messy and everyone will be confused on whose postings are replying to which postings.
FRIENDSTER also allows users to upload photos. In the past, users were not able to post comments but over the years, new amendments were made and now, we are able to do so!
Games from FRIENDSTER and facebook indeed defers. Personally, I think the games in facebook are more enticing and addictive as compare to Friendster's. Just like comments for photographs, in the past, friendster does not have games for users to play too!
You are able to update your status on your current thought or anything that comes to your mind that you would like to share with all your friends in FACEBOOK.
After clicking SHARE, it will appear on your wall and your friends will be able to start commenting on your status.
You can also go to your friend's FACEBOOK page and post anything on their wall to let them know you miss them or simply just anything that comes to your mind.
Facebook also has plenty of games for users to play during their free time. Many people find the games addictive because just like this bejeweled bliz, everyone is trying to hit their highest score such that they will be the top in his/her friend lists. It is always fun to be able to compete with one another thus it becomes addictive!
FACEBOOK also allows us to upload pictures as well as allowing others to tag you in photos where you are present. The ones circled in red are albums created by ourselves while the one circled in green are pictures that your friends tagged you in. If you think those pictures tagged by your friends are ugly, you can also untag yourself and it will not show on your photo pages anymore.
You can also send private message to your friends. A birthday message when you do not have their mobile number is as sweet as sending them an sms via a handphone! Whoever who receives the note from your friend can also reply and response to it.
If you happened to be surfing youtube and found a song that you love and would like to share with your friends, what can you do? You can click on the SHARE button shown above and share it with your loved ones in FACEBOOK too!
After clicking SHARE, it will then appear on your wall where friends and family could simply click on it to listen or to view the videos. They can also comment or like the links that you shared.
How about business opportunities?
People also create FACEBOOK account to promote their blogshops.
There are also links at the right side of the page to show us certain upcoming events that we could anticipate for.
Not only those shown above, one can also use the instant chat in FACEBOOK just like using an msn chat with their friends. There are just too many other interesting stuffs that one can do with FACEBOOK and this is why it has become so popular till date!
How great and awesome is FACEBOOK isn't it?
Ever heard of the social networking site call FRIENDSTER? FRIENDSTER was founded during 2002 and it has over 115million registered users up till date with over 19millions visitors each month. Before the birth of FACEBOOK, FRIENDSTER used to be one of the most popular social networking sites where people come together reunite with their long lost friends. Over the years, FRIENDSTER had improved greatly even though there was a sudden drop in the number of people using it since the birth of FACEBOOK. Let's take a look at some of the things we can do in FRIENDSTER as well as the similarities and differences between the FACEBOOK and the FRIENDSTER.
FRIENDSTER, just like facebook, allows users to post comments on their friends' pages. However, there is no way one can comment on each other's postings unless they create and post a new comment on their friend's page. In that way, things will get messy and everyone will be confused on whose postings are replying to which postings.
FRIENDSTER also allows users to upload photos. In the past, users were not able to post comments but over the years, new amendments were made and now, we are able to do so!
Games from FRIENDSTER and facebook indeed defers. Personally, I think the games in facebook are more enticing and addictive as compare to Friendster's. Just like comments for photographs, in the past, friendster does not have games for users to play too!
As mentioned earlier, facebook allows users to share songs from youtube. However, friendster does not support this function.
The difference between facebook and friendster could be seen above. Even though they are quite similar in many ways, they differ in many ways too! The reason why many people shifted from facebook to friendster is solely for the fact that facebook indeed offer much more varieties of interesting tools that captures the heart of users. Friendster on the other hand has been trying to improve over the years however, there are still many areas that were not provided such as not allowing users to share almost everything possible from the world wide web, not being able for users to comment on people's postings as well as not allowing users to have an instant messenger where they can chat with their friends. Their games do not look as interesting too!
I believe certain social networking sites are useful for business opportunities and facebook is definitely one of them, for now. How do we determine if they are useful? More and more people are migrating into the social networking sites during the past few years till date. It has become one's habit(to most of us) to click on facebook daily to check on our friend's current activities, to play games or even just to load facebook for the sake of loading it because it has become part of our lives.
Since many people are in social networking sites these days, we can be sure to say that business opportunities will be more skewed towards the positive side rather than the negative side. To have a good business, the traffic for the social networking site must be high so that even if not everyone hears about such business, at least 10% of the users will come to know about it and hopefully 1% of it will buy the products. If in the first place the traffic for the site is low, we can predict that the business will not do well either. Therefore, it is very important for investors to choose the right social networking sites to invest in.
On the other hand, I feel that social networking sites are hard to last long because new social networking sites will be created and launched. If the current ones are not as good as the new ones, they will very soon be neglected and people will all flock over to the new ones instead. In that way, business will surely suffer. Therefore, I conclude that it is fine to start a business that is not permanent on social networking sites. Such examples are the different blogshops. Traditional ways of advertising via brochure, television programmes, cinema advertisements, magazines as well as newspapers are still the most secure business strategy.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Social Media vs Traditional Media
In the early 19th century, the only way to get news was face to face communication. Changes took place when newspapers and magazines came into light. Followed closely was the used of radio and afterwhich, Television domited the medium. When internet websites and social networks become more popular, people quickly moved away from the traditonal media, towards the Social Media instead.
Still Complicated?
Well here is a list of things that are part of the social media:
Blogs (Blogger)
Crowdsourcing (Wikipedia)
Online forums (DigitalPoint)
Photo sharing sites (Flickr)
Social networking sites (Facebook)
Social bookmarking sites (Digg)
Streaming sites (Ustream)
User reviews (Amazon)
Video sharing sites (YouTube)
Do you know...
Amazing isn't it?
Ever ponder on what are some of the social media you can consider for putting into your websites?
The power of social media is indeed too prominent to be ignored in this centuary. Everyday, we are spending countless of minutes on the social media sites. Whether it is for working purposes, studying purposes, playing purposes or even for charity work, we are relying heavily on social media sites to keep our life updated on the world's happening.
Are you concern about your health because you are spending too much time on social media sites?! Fret not! Because here are some simple exercise you can do before you visit such sites. It can act as a reward for accomplishing the exercise and in a way keep you fit and healthy! Hope you enjoy it!
What exactly is Social Media?
Social Media are the various forms of user generated content and the collection of websites and applications that enables people to interact and share information online.
Well here is a list of things that are part of the social media:
Blogs (Blogger)
Crowdsourcing (Wikipedia)
Online forums (DigitalPoint)
Photo sharing sites (Flickr)
Social networking sites (Facebook)
Social bookmarking sites (Digg)
Streaming sites (Ustream)
User reviews (Amazon)
Video sharing sites (YouTube)
Do you know...
Amazing isn't it?
Ever ponder on what are some of the social media you can consider for putting into your websites?
Do you know why Social Media has been so successful? I would like to share with everyone one interesting fact on why Social Media (like facebook) has been so successful till date. Social media could be use for many purposes. One of which is to help in charity work. YES, YOU DID NOT SEE WRONGLY. IT IS INDEED CHARITY WORK! ![](
Are you concern about your health because you are spending too much time on social media sites?! Fret not! Because here are some simple exercise you can do before you visit such sites. It can act as a reward for accomplishing the exercise and in a way keep you fit and healthy! Hope you enjoy it!
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