What is one thing that most people look out for BEFORE they decide to buy a product? More often that not, when we have the desire to purchase a new gadget, we will go to the website to find out more about the product before we make the final decision to go ahead in buying it. I would like to take this chance to share with you how apple made use of different multimedia marketing strategy in successfully persuading consumers to buy their products.
Have you ever wonder why iphone4 is out of stock in Singapore even though at first, many users complain about the poor reception of the phone while making a call? I was using iphone 3GS back then and I tell myself that I will never get an iphone4 because of the complaints made by many people. However, the complains did not stop APPLE from advertising it's products.
Apple continuously uses different multimedia marketing strategy to promote it's iphone4. Commercials between television programs, commericals before a movie starts as well as uploading many different videos to show consumers the goodness of their iphone4 are some way in which Apple utilizes for their marketing strategy.
If one were to enter http://www.apple.com/, they will see a wide range of links available in helping them to know more about an iphone4. Some links includes the features of the phone, the design, the cost and last but not least, the apps for iphone. All these details were written carefully in a way that will entice the person who clicks on the link. It plays with their emotions in having the desire to on such a phone because of it's awesomeness that was described in their website.
Even though a commercial break might seem insignificant to most people, there will still be a high chance that people will notice the ad because putting up an advertisement is definitely better than not doing so. The details might be limited in an advertisement but their website used for marketing strategy is really something to commendable. Knowing that in this centuary, most people surf the net for information, I feel that apple truly maximize the use of their website in promoting their iphone4 by providing many important facts and information about their products. Truly, we can see that Apple is indeed a brain-storming company in making sure that their marketing strategy is useful in reaching to the audiences' needs. Through that, they successfully persuaded their audiences to purchase their products. Thus, they have been doing so well up till date!
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