Monday, January 31, 2011

Social Media vs Traditional Media

In the early 19th century, the only way to get news was face to face communication. Changes took place when newspapers and magazines came into light. Followed closely was the used of radio and afterwhich, Television domited the medium. When internet websites and social networks become more popular, people quickly moved away from the traditonal media, towards the Social Media instead.

What exactly is Social Media?
Social Media are the various forms of user generated content and the collection of websites and applications that enables people to interact and share information online.

Still Complicated?

Well here is a list of things that are part of the social media:
Blogs (Blogger)
Crowdsourcing (Wikipedia)
Online forums (DigitalPoint)
Photo sharing sites (Flickr)
Social networking sites (Facebook)
Social bookmarking sites (Digg)
Streaming sites (Ustream)
User reviews (Amazon)
Video sharing sites (YouTube)

Do you know...

 Amazing isn't it?

Ever ponder on what are some of the social media you can consider for putting into your websites?

Do you know why Social Media has been so successful? I would like to share with everyone one interesting fact on why Social Media (like facebook) has been so successful till date. Social media could be use for many purposes. One of which is to help in charity work. YES, YOU DID NOT SEE WRONGLY. IT IS INDEED CHARITY WORK! 

The power of social media is indeed too prominent to be ignored in this centuary. Everyday, we are spending countless of minutes on the social media sites. Whether it is for working purposes, studying purposes, playing purposes or even for charity work, we are relying heavily on social media sites to keep our life updated on the world's happening.

Are you concern about your health because you are spending too much time on social media sites?! Fret not! Because here are some simple exercise you can do before you visit such sites. It can act as a reward for accomplishing the exercise and in a way keep you fit and healthy! Hope you enjoy it!

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