Monday, January 31, 2011

Social Media vs Traditional Media

In the early 19th century, the only way to get news was face to face communication. Changes took place when newspapers and magazines came into light. Followed closely was the used of radio and afterwhich, Television domited the medium. When internet websites and social networks become more popular, people quickly moved away from the traditonal media, towards the Social Media instead.

What exactly is Social Media?
Social Media are the various forms of user generated content and the collection of websites and applications that enables people to interact and share information online.

Still Complicated?

Well here is a list of things that are part of the social media:
Blogs (Blogger)
Crowdsourcing (Wikipedia)
Online forums (DigitalPoint)
Photo sharing sites (Flickr)
Social networking sites (Facebook)
Social bookmarking sites (Digg)
Streaming sites (Ustream)
User reviews (Amazon)
Video sharing sites (YouTube)

Do you know...

 Amazing isn't it?

Ever ponder on what are some of the social media you can consider for putting into your websites?

Do you know why Social Media has been so successful? I would like to share with everyone one interesting fact on why Social Media (like facebook) has been so successful till date. Social media could be use for many purposes. One of which is to help in charity work. YES, YOU DID NOT SEE WRONGLY. IT IS INDEED CHARITY WORK! 

The power of social media is indeed too prominent to be ignored in this centuary. Everyday, we are spending countless of minutes on the social media sites. Whether it is for working purposes, studying purposes, playing purposes or even for charity work, we are relying heavily on social media sites to keep our life updated on the world's happening.

Are you concern about your health because you are spending too much time on social media sites?! Fret not! Because here are some simple exercise you can do before you visit such sites. It can act as a reward for accomplishing the exercise and in a way keep you fit and healthy! Hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Web 2.0 & 3.0

History, Origins and some facts of Web 2.0:

The term Web 2.0 was coined by Darcy DiNucci, a consultant on electronic information design, during the year 1999. The origins of Web 2.0 was said to lie with Web 1.0. Web 2.0 has become popular in recent years. Many of us have heard of Web 2.0 but the truth is; only a few of us know the true meaning behind it. During 2004, O’Reilly Media and MediaLive hosted a Web 2.0 conference which resulted in the rise of Web 2.0 popularity.

The main purpose of Web 2.0 is to allow people to create and distribute information with one another. Web 2.0 is defined as a “to use the internet as a platform” where the platform is said to be referring to the web applications. It enables user with more user-interface, software and storage facilities, all through the browser. Users are given the power to create and distribute information and put it into the hands of other average consumer.

Web 2.0 holds the POWER of the followings:

In the past, it was the kings and emperors who have the authority in giving out information. However now in the modern society, every one of us is constantly communicating with one another and the internet surely plays a huge role in this area. Any information creates on the website serves as information for others who visited the website.
The advent of Web 2.0 is such that it serves as a Social Web where people come together to share their opinions and thoughts. New typed of Web applications includes blogs, wikis, social networks, podcasts and vodcasts as well as mash-ups. Blogs and Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Friendster have been popular and use by almost every single young people these days. Marketers also took the opportunity to use Web 2.0 to interact and stay connected with their consumers. With blogs, writers no longer need to publicize their books through publishing companies. Instead, they could save the advertising cost by publishing news about their books in the website. It also enables buyer to purchase the books online if they are interested in it after reading the reviews on it.
Web 2.0 has indeed been a successful tool in helping the current generation to keep in constant contact with one another through the information, opinions and thoughts published online.

The Web 3.0:
Web 3.0 will be driven by technological change! Web 3.0 is the semantic web which is about the meaning of data. Now, what do I mean by that? I found this rather interesting in regards with the explanation of Web 3.0. Hopefully, it helps us to better understand what 3.0 is all about!
Suppose, I am a stamp collector. Over the years, I have collected a LOT of stamps. About every stamp, I made a document. There is simply a LOT of documents and a LOT of stamps. BUT… How exactly do I find that specific stamp for each document?

Of course it’s from GOOGLEEEEEEEE!
GOOGLE is the web we have today with a HUGE collection of documents. The words of all the documents are indexed. We can search for keywords. Now supposed I search for all red stamps. What do I get?

It is not really a very intelligent search but how can a computer know exactly what do I mean?  
Describing data in a structured way can best be done in a database. Different database can be connected.

Web 3.0 creates a big collection of databases which can be connected on demand.Agreements are made on the structure of data and the way data is described. Where the data is located is irrelevant. Linking data is the power of web 3.0!

So, "I want all the red stamps, designed in Europe, but used in the U.S.A between 1980 and 1990" is a question that will get a better answer with web 3.0.

How will we search in Web 3.0?
Semantic web makes search engines smarter. Specialized search will reign. The search will no longer be “bring me everything on _________” but rather, it will be “bring me everything on __________ considering that it is a _________.” The context of the search is ME and search engines understand who you are, what you have been doing and where you would like to do next.

In conclusion, web 3.0 will be a web that encompasses all the following FOUR components as listed below:
An example of Web 3.0 is shown below:
Web 3.0 will definitely make our life much more easier than ever!